The Edinburgh Love Tour

Chas. Early and Richard Hurst's second play appeared on the streets of Edinburgh during August 2005.

The course of true love never did run smooth...
Walk back to happiness, through the romantic streets of Edinburgh. Your guides: a lovingly married couple who are really in love. Really.
A dramatic adventure to warm the cockles of your heart, whilst exercising it.
A moving new play by Richard Hurst & Chas Early.

The Edinburgh Love Tour was one of The Observer's top ten recommendations for the Fringe.

The Telegraph reviewed it as follows:

The Edinburgh Love Tour has more modest ambitions, but is based on a brilliantly simple idea. The audience is met at the Pleasance Courtyard by a married couple, "Rosemary" and "Stephen", their guides on a walk around Edinburgh's romantic spots, which had signficance in their own courtship.
Thus they spin tales of loyalty and love about Robert Burns, Greyfriars Bobby and others. But, as the tour progresses, it's Rosemary and Stephen's story that intrigues. Gradually, the audience become unintentional voyeurs to the breakdown of a marriage; it's cringe-worthy and extremely funny at the same time.
The couple openly row in public, and it's uncertain whether casual passers-by and even other audience members are the real thing, or part of the act.
The Love Tour's writers, Richard Hurst and Chas Early, are surely on to something here. One can imagine this idea being franchised to suit any British city with a rich history.

The Financial Times reviewed it as follows:

This year, The Edinburgh Love Tour ably takes the mickey out of such enterprises, and also out of other peripatetic theatre pieces. While traipsing us around a number of often tenuously romantic locations in the Old Town, our supposedly married guides bicker and then to argue outright to the point of separation, as past and future infidelities are uncovered. A wealth of detail has gone into this 75-minute piece: it's a mischievous joy to eavesdrop on the strained, muttered exchanges as we go from site to site.

For press information and photos, please contact our producer, James Seabright.



Show credits:

Steven - Chas. Early
Rosemary - Zoe Gardner
Tom - Alexander Perkins
Lorna - Lucy Carmichael


Director - Richard Hurst